Dandruff vs Dry Scalp: So Why Does It Matter?
So why is it important to know the difference between dandruff and dry scalp? Well because if you want to get rid of these hair care enemies. Then you’ll want to make sure you apply the right hair care routine and products. Otherwise, you could be wasting your time and your money. Or even worse… worsening your condition.
What is Dandruff?
Dandruff, you know, those pesky white flakes on your shoulders. Your black shirt’s worst enemy. It’s like that annoying friend you purposely didn’t invite to the party that no one wants around but still shows up. While it’s not dangerous, it can be pretty embarrassing to deal with.
Do you know how your skin cells shed and renew themselves? Well, dandruff is caused when your scalp sheds more quickly than usual. This leads to ยูฟ่าเบท https://ufabet999.app more visible and clumpy white flakes.
Besides leaving flakes, it can also leave your head itchy with redness. So try to avoid scratching or you could make the issue worse.
Some causes of dandruff:
- Dry Skin: Very dry skin can also flake off, creating a dandruff-like appearance.
- Oily Skin: Who would have guessed? Having an overly oily scalp can also cause dandruff. A type of yeast lives on these oils, leading to irritation and increased skin cell shedding.
- Lack of Washing: Not washing your hair enough can lead to oil and skin cell buildup.
- Skin Conditions: Issues like psoriasis or eczema can also cause flakes (Bernstein, n.d.).
- Harsh Hair Products: Some people might react to certain ingredients in hair care products. Symptoms may include a red, itchy, scaling scalp.
Types of Dandruff
Breaking down dandruff further, here are the main types of dandruff:
- Oily: This type makes your scalp feel like a McDonalds Frymaster. The flakes are larger and greasier, and they stick to your hair.
- Dry: The opposite of its oily counterpart. Dry dandruff has smaller, lighter flakes that love to make their presence known. Especially on dark clothing.
- Fungal : This type comes from the body’s response to fungus. Although funguses can be found on everyone’s skin (gross right), not everyone reacts to them the same.
- Medical-Condition This can be caused by certain medical or skin conditions. The three types include eczema, scalp psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis.
What is a Dry Scalp?
A dry scalp is like having a desert on your head, complete with all the dryness and none of the fun of a sandy beach. No one invited it, but there it is, making your scalp feel as parched as a forgotten cactus in the sun.