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3 Superfoods: Folic acid is good for pregnant women

Revealing 3 sources of folic acid or “folate”, one of the vitamins found naturally, good for pregnant women, nourishes mothers, prevents birth defects, creates red blood cells Folic Acid or “Folate” is a type of vitamin found in natural foods and is a Superfood for

If you want to quit smoking, what should you do?

Smoking addiction is a preventable cause of death. smoke cessation services by doctors and medical personnel or health professionals are one way to quit smoke. Many people do not have access to smoking cessation services, so they choose to quit cold turkey. Which has a low success

Tips for cooling down.

Tips to “cooling down” when the average temperature is almost 40 degrees. The hot weather that is almost frying eggs in our country right now has made many people not want to step outside the air-conditioned room. But people have to travel everywhere, go to

What are the benefits of mushrooms?

Mushrooms contain important components that can help fight cancer. In 2010, a study published in the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine found that five types of mushrooms. Including maitake, crimini, brown button, oyster, and white button. Were tested and found menu to have anti-cancer properties. Japanese

Are air fryer really good for your health?

In addition to the risk of carcinogens that still exist, many people may misunderstand that. Food fried in an air fryer is healthy food without any risks. And this results in eating more fried food than before. Or changing behavior from not eating fried food