Eat cholesterol well, it has many benefits!

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Eat cholesterol well, it has many benefits!

Taking care of your health requires eating nutritious food and exercising to keep your body strong. Therefore, people tend to choose to eat good food, avoiding foods with starch, sugar, and fat that can cause various diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, etc. But did you know that “cholesterol” that we try to avoid is also beneficial to the body. If we choose to eat the right and appropriate food, it will have a good effect on the body.


        Cholesterol is a type of fat that circulates in the bloodstream and is found in the cell walls of every human cell. It is a precursor for the synthesis of bile, sex hormones, and hormones from the adrenal glands. Most cholesterol or fat is produced in the liver and some comes from the food we eat. When we eat food that contains too much cholesterol, it becomes excess for the body because our liver mainly produces cholesterol to send into the system to create hormones and repair cells. 

The Truth About Cholesterol 

        When the liver in the body produces cholesterol itself, including the food we eat, there is cholesterol. The cholesterol in the food we eat is only 10% that the body needs to use. If we eat food that has a lot of cholesterol, the liver will produce less cholesterol.

        And importantly, cholesterol is what tries to repair blood vessels at various points. That have damaged by sugar , which we eat too much and continuously, causing damage to blood vessels and the body does not repair them because insulin is high, resulting in growth hormone (HGH) not being secret to repair the body, so cholesterol must come to help do the job instead. But! If we do not stop eating sugar, cholesterol will clog at the damaged points until. It becomes cholesterol or fat that is clogged or too high.

Did you know that there are two types of fat?

           – Good fat (High Density Lipoproteins: HDL)  that we should have for ourselves is fat or cholesterol with high density. It is beneficial to the body. Most of it is create in the liver. It helps reduce the accumulation of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the arteries. It helps prevent the formation of clogged arteries. It also helps produce sex hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids to digest fat in the gallbladder. If the level of good fat (HDL) in the blood is low, it is at risk of hardening of the arteries. 

           – Bad fat (Low Density Lipoproteins: LDL)  is harmful and life-destroying. It is fat or cholesterol with low density that is not good for the health ทางเข้า ufabet of the body. Some of it comes from the food we eat and some of it comes from our own creation. Bad cholesterol will stick to the walls of the arteries, causing them to lose their elasticity. And if there is a high level of bad fat (LDL), it will cause blockage of the coronary arteries as well.